Introducing our Bootcamp Party Member of the Month of February! Tracey Tracy!
Yes, that’s right! First name same as the last name! Haha! And she is a Twice As Nice hoot!

“I started doing Dion’s classes about 6 years ago until a knee injury sidelined me. Once my knee was recovered I’d lost my motivation and didn’t go back. My daughter announcing her engagement last March was just the kick I needed and I’ve been back at bootcamp class ever since. I’m someone who failed high school PE once because I hated sweating so much. I can’t believe I willingly pay to exercise now and love every minute of it. 

Dion makes me want to push myself to my personal limits. His energy and excitement are so contagious and the music and workouts are always different, and fresh, so you can’t help but have a good time while he kicks your butt!

Bootcamp Party is truly the highlight of my week, and, according to Facebook, “Dion” is one of my most frequently used words! In just 10 months I feel so much stronger and have more energy at 52 than I ever have before, and I’m no longer winded walking up a flight of stairs, even when carrying a case of water! I can’t wait for summer when my schedule will allow me to do 2x/day again!”
